Baylor, Badminton, and Becoming

We love hearing stories, journeys. They help us understand who we are and why we are the way we are.
Isaac Lee’s journey fascinates us. Once an athlete, then a worker for Christ traveling the world with Athletes in Action Canada. And then he attended the 3rd Global Congress on Sport and Christianity at Cambridge in 2022.
He reminisces: “When I think back to 3GCSC, it was an eye-opening experience for me to see the work of academics thinking deeply about faith and sports. Having been exposed to a number of different people in Cambridge, I was inspired. It was a guiding light for me to consider further academic work and my Doctor of Ministry studies. After 13 years with AIA Canada, the congress was the starting point for me to consider moving from full-time sports ministry to higher education, which eventually brought our family to Texas to join FSI. I now look forward to the 4GCSC and our (FSI’s) participation and involvement with the congress.”
Working at Baylor now, you’ll see Isaac as he and his team host the 4th Global Congress on Sport and Christianity this summer.
Listen to his podcast interview with Brian and Chad to learn more about the event!

Isaac, far right, with some Baylor colleagues … and furry friends 🙂
Listen to the companion podcast.