Fruits of the Spirit: Goodness and Kindness
Fruits of the Spirit: Goodness and Kindness
A New Podcast Season: We’re starting Season 3 on the SPORT. FAITH. LIFE. podcast. And to kick off this season, we’re sprinkling in a mini-series on the Fruits of the Spirit and the Deadly Sins. We’ll continue featuring the work of others along the way.
Brian and Chad are combining two fruits of the spirit in this episode: goodness and kindness. Why? Well, consider this podcast episode to be two mini-discussions about moral character traits that are similar.
It’s good to have goodness in sport. But what does it mean to be good? We want to be good athletes. That’s intuitive. But is that what is meant by this fruit of the spirit, that one is skillful or talented? Likely not. Brian and Chad think it’s more about moral goodness–good behavior. Brian explains how this works with his golf team.
What about kindness? This is a fruit we often don’t associate with sport. Kindness is not a character trait that many coaches or scouts look for in their athletes. Chad tells a story about why he gave up trying to be kind in sport. But is he missing out on opportunities now because of that?
Tune in to the podcast to learn about all of this and more!